Thursday, June 9, 2011


I didn't expect to update this again so soon, but Miss Elizabeth May just posted this --> about how she plots her own novels and it got me thinking. (I highly recommend following her blog too by the way. She's very informative and highly sarcastic, a combination I find greatly satisfying.)

So. How do I plot? Hmm. Aurie does obsessive extensive outlining for her plot, characters, chapters, etc. She makes sure she has everything lined up and ready to go before she even begins writing. Some people take years to fine tune their plots in an outline before they even dare to begin writing. These people are very organized and think things through.

I am not like that. By any means. There aren't even similarites between what I'm going to dub "the organizers" and me. I'm what I once heard described as "a pasta writer." I throw all my ideas into a bowl, mix it around and pull out a plot. That's how I write. It works for me and I've learned the hard way that when something works, I should change it. It gives me an ulcer.

I tend to start with a basic idea which usually turns out to be a scene at the end of the novel.

So, based on the scene I dream up my plot will slowly evolve. I get images in my head over what the characters look like.

I tend to work backwards. I'll write the ending first and then the scenes with a higher content of emotion. Writing the ending is one of the last thing I ever do because I'm so bad at it. Home has had it's beginning rewritten probably three times if not more.

I also have this awful tendency to write one half of the book and then the other so the writing style changes half way through. >.< This is not a good thing. But it's a hard habit to kick. I write when the fire is in me. At any other time what I write isn't worth reading. I really can't write any other way.

So how do you plot your stories? What methods do you use? Are you an organizer? Or a pasta writer like me? Did anything I just wrote make sense? XD

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