Friday, June 10, 2011

Say What?

Again, never expected to post this quickly, but...a thought struck me today about writers and people in general and I figured I'd share. So here's the story:

A few days ago I called my little sister a ball buster because...well, she is. My father heard this and was not at all pleased with my choice of words. He said that as a writer I should be able to describe things more eloquently. Or something like that. Thinking about this today I came to the conclusion that this comment offends me. Why? Let me tell you.

As a writer I feel like he, and others, think that authors just bang out their novels and dialogue specifically in one setting. But that is far from true. I don't sit down at the computer, or open a notebook and start writing out fancy dialogue or detailed descriptions in one sitting. Everything gets scraped, torn apart, re-written and tweaked around multiple times. Just because the final piece is written descriptively doesn't mean I have any ability to speak well or describe things well while speaking. Far from it. It seems more like authors have a harder time saying what they want to say. It seems harder for us to really explain what we mean or what we want to say while speaking.

Is it just me or do other people have this problem?  Words tend to elude me when I really need them.

I don't know why this suddenly offended me, but it did. I think it might be because people think that being a writer is easy, but it's not. If it was there would be more of us.


On a more interesting note, here's your fun fact for the day:
As a child Aroya wanted to grow up to be a carpenter.

What did you want to be?

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