Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bunch of Pessimists

That's what they are. All four of my mainish characters in Home are total pessimists. None of them believe in soul mates or true love. How depressing is that? And they all have parental issues of some kind. -rolls eyes- Great, more daddy issues. As if the plot didn't have enough already.

I don't know what I'm going to do with them all. They've all got deep dark secrets that are going to tear them apart if they aren't careful...or maybe I should just let them tear themselves apart. Hmm...that could be interesting. I dunno. It doesn't fit with New Beginnings, but maybe in the third one it will show up. Rei's background does so that'll be fun to play with. Lots of tension going on there.

And I can't decide whether or not to get Aroya addicted to pain pills. That has potential, but is it a little too dramatic? Maybe I'll just hint at it but not have her actually getting addicted to them. Ugh, I need printer ink. I can't do anything for the MS if I don't have a hard copy now, but I have no way of getting one and it's driving me batty. I don't know what to do.

Oh, oh, and I think one of my characters is a XXXXXXXX. Grrr...It's driving me nuts and I demand he change, but he's being stubborn. I'll change his views yet, even if it kills me.

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